MADD Leads.

Get more leads and customers for your business.

What you will receive:
Complete automated marketing funnel.
Consistent stream of traffic and leads for your business.
We are a digital marketing agency founded in Singapore. Digital Logic offers far-reaching solutions to transform business and increase their online presence. 

We have amassed a large number of accounts in a short period of time by delighting our clients with our ability to fulfill their demands and deliver the result they deserve. That is how we provide quality digital marketing services. 

- The Digital Logic way.
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5.0 based on 205 reviews.
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From the businesses we help.

Our leads increased by 35% after working with MADD. This is definitely one of the best investments we made. I highly recommend anyone that wish to get more leads and scale their business.
We were hesitant at first as it seems pretty good to be true due to the low and straightforward cost. But after the 1st month, we were shocked and delighted as we really did see exceptional results. Thank you!
Great deal. Great results. We heave seen an increase in our signups which has allowed us to grow our sales team. Now, leads are consistently coming in every month which has helped our business tremendously. 
ROI Wings
The MADD team really knows what they are doing. After working with them, we saw an increase in our sales by 20%. This is truly remarkable as despite the cost is so affodrable. Kudos to MADD!
3 steps.

The process.

1. Highly optimized landing page.

We will craft a highly optimized landing page that focuses on converting visitors into leads, based on your business and its offerings.

2. Effective Faebook Ads.

After that, we create effective Facebook Ads and deliver the Ads to your potential customers with our profession in Facebook Advertising. Driving them to your landing page.

3. Watch the leads kick in.

Since now you have a highly optimized landing page and potential customers are visiting it, what do you think will happen? Prepare for your inbox to be flooded with leads.
Basically anyone.

Who is this for?

You want more 
leads and customers.

You are looking to get more cold leads and customer for your business.

You want to get better results.

You did not see results from your current or previous digital marketing efforts or wish to get better results.

Frequently asked questions.

What is a landing page?
A landing page is a custom page, built to receive specific traffic from primarily paid traffic source like Google. These specialise in priming visitors to begin their journey of becoming a lead. They’re short and bespoke, displaying particular features of the product or service relevant to the expected visitor based on the campaign.
How long will it take to complete the landing page?
It will take within 3-5 working days, provided that we have finalized the contents and offerings.
Do you provide the design, images, and copywriting for the landing page?
If you have a specific design, images, and copywriting to use, you can send it to us. If not, our team will provide the design, and images. 

As for the copywriting and some of the contents, we will need to work together to finalize it.
Do I need a website for this?
Yes and no. If you have a website, we will create the landing page on your existing website. 

If you don't have one, we will create the landing page on your preferred domain.
How will you get traffic and leads to my landing page/business.
Basically we will garner eyeballs to your products or services.

First, we will create effective Facebook Ads and deliver it to your potential customers, driving them to your landing page.

Once they are on your landing page, it will drive them to signup or enquire about your products or services. And there you go!

We call this a complete marketing funnel that is actually a secret strategy widely used by big corporations.
Where will the leads go to?
The leads will go into your email inbox, or WhatsApp/Facebook Messenger. 

It depends on your nature of business, workflow, and preference.

We will finalize this after analyzing and understanding your business.
Are there any hidden fees or charges?
No there isn't. Our price is straightforward and transparent.

Even the fees for Facebook Ads are inclusive in the pricing.
How do I get started?
Simply fill in the form below and we will get back to you within 1-2 hours (working hours).

Or, you can give us a call to one of our representative via the number below.
I want more leads.
MADD Leads.
Get more leads and customers for your business now.
Highly optimized landing page crafted to turn vistors into leads.
Effective Facebook Ads running 24/7 to drive traffic to your landing page.
No hidden and extra fees, all in one single pricing.

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I want more leads
